Prices for a Brandbook vary depending on the complexity
of the project between 500 € – 1500 €
We organize a brainstorming session with the manager of the company, where we identify what values the brand is to convey and what is its vision.
We analyze existing brands to make sure we create something unique. We generate unique names with active domains. We look for the brand metaphor.
We design logo variants according to the brand metaphor, gold proportion, client's stylistic preferences and print rules. We indicate the rules for using the logo in different formats and on different surfaces.
We generate colors and fonts that are unique and representative of your future brand. The font must have diacritics and the colors must be equally good in digital and print.
We create all the necessary elements for this brand-pattern or texture, icons for the website, for services, products, graphic elements that will be used in advertising materials.
Offline banner templates, adwords banners, social media design, business cards and other print.
Notepads, pens, mugs, folders, bags, covers, equipment, stickers, car branding, corporate documents, office branding, etc.
Vedeți mai jos câteva din ultimele noastre proiecte
Soluții complete web pentru dezvoltarea businessului. Web-site servicii, Landing page, E-commerce site
Video pentru social media, e-commerce sau campanii publicitare.
Set de fotografii pentru social media, e-commerce sau campanii publicitare.
Afișe, postere, meniu, catalog de produs, bannere, cărți de vizită, motion design, 3D design, ilustrații, content social media, broșură.
News releases, blog, social media, texte e-commerce.
Organizăm și implementăm campanii de stimulare a vânzărilor și creștere a notorietății.